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What is Social Security?


Social Security is a social insurance program initiated by the federal government in the late 1930’s to provide economic security to citizens.

The program is funded by certain payroll taxes of the nation’s workforce and employers through OASDI and FICA taxes. It began with the primary mission of providing “old age” retirement benefits to those over 65.

Through the years, Social Security has expanded to include:

  • Benefits for the survivors of deceased workers

  • Benefits for the disabled

  • Benefits for disabled adults and children with limited resources who have not paid into the system

  • Hospital medical benefits (Medicare)

Each of the above extensions of Social Security has it’s own eligibility requirements and application process.LOREM IPSUM


What is Social Security Disability?


Social Security Disability provides monthly benefits to those who, due to medical conditions, can no longer work. Typically, the medical condition is expected to last at least one year or result in death.

Certain past earning requirements may apply and disability of the applicant must be confirmed by the Disability Determination Services of the state. A disability decision is reached after considering medical history and evidence from doctor, clinic and hospital records.

In a disability hearing, the severity of the medical condition and the ability to perform work related tasks are assessed and taken into consideration.

Applicants may be represented in these hearings by legal professionals.

For more information, see Social Security publication: Disability Benefits.


What is Medicare?


Medicare helps those 65 and older with limited medical costs through a type of government health insurance.

Some under 65 may also qualify for Medicare benefits, including those with disabilities and those with permanent kidney failure. The SSA website has more information on Medicare Benefits.


What if I Have Never Paid In?


For those employed, a percentage is withheld from earnings for Social Security and Medicare. Typically, benefits are available only for those who have worked and paid into the system in this manner.

The amount of the monthly Social Security benefit check would depend on how much has been paid in and how long one has been employed.

However, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits are available for qualifying disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. This allows the disabled with no work history or disable children to receive aid.

The SSA website has more information on SSI Benefits.


What Are Survivors Benefits?


A widow or widower can receive Social Security benefits based on the previous earnings of their deceased spouse. Unmarried children under the age of 18 can also be eligible for benefits.

The SSA website has more information on Survivors Benefits.


Have Other Questions?


We specialize in evaluating disability cases, filing appeals and representing the disabled at their Disability hearings so they can win the benefits they need.